Marcus Rentals

Your Barn Bonus Plus Membership

is about to work for you
Now is the time to start taking advantage of all the great savings and exciting values that your membership offers!

With Barn Bonus Plus you receive the following benefits

  • IDProtect®- Identity Theft Protection*†
  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance (up to $10,000 in coverage)
  • Payment Waiver Protection
  • Child ID
  • 24-Hour Nurse Helpline (This is not insurance)
  • Gas & Gift Cards*
  • Cash Back Member Rewards*
†Description of coverage is enclosed.
*These benefits require registration and activation.
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As a Barn Bonus Plus member, you will also have access to the following benefits and services at no additional cost

  • $500 Grocery Coupon Savings Book*
  • Flowers, Gifts & Greenery Discounts*
  • Travel & Entertainment Discount Membership*
  • Eyecare & Eyewear Plan* (This is not insurance)
  • Dental Plan* (This is not insurance)
  • Hearing Plan* (This is not insurance)
  • Chiropractic Plan* (This is not insurance)
  • Mail Order Diabetes Supplies* (This is not insurance)
  • Vitamins & Nutritional Supplements* (This is not insurance)
*This is not insurance

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Barn Bonus Plus Benefits

Security & Insurance Benefits
Health Benefits
Security & Insurance


  • Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement Coverage2 – Receive up to $10,000 to help pay expenses, clear your name and repair damaged credit, should you become the victim of identity fraud.
  • Comprehensive Identity Theft Resolution Services – Should you suffer identity theft, your very own IDProtect fraud resolution specialist will help you every step of the way until your credit and identity are completely restored.
  • Debit and credit card registration – Register your credit, debit and ATM cards and have peace of mind knowing you can call one toll-free number to cancel and request replacement cards - and your liability is limited - should your cards become lost or stolen. (Registration and activation required.)
  • 3-in-1 Credit File Monitoring – IDProtect will monitor your Equifax, Experian and TransUnion credit files daily, and automatically alert you if key changes occur. (Registration and activation required.)
  • 3-in-1 Credit Report – Request a free, updated credit report every 90 days or upon receipt of alert. Each new report includes an updated single bureau credit score. (Registration and activation required.)
  • Total Identity Monitoring – Continuous monitoring of over 1,000 databases (Registration and activation required.)
  • IDProtect service is a personal identity theft protection service available to person(s) named on the rental agreement.
  • Identity Theft Insurance underwritten by insurance company subsidiaries or affiliates of American International Group, Inc. (AIG). The description herein is a summary and intended for informational purposes only and does not include all terms, conditions and exclusions of the policies described. Please refer to the actual policies for terms, conditions, and exclusions of coverage. Coverage may not be available in all jurisdictions (See enclosed description of coverage).

Tips to Safeguard Your Identity

  • TIP 1 Remove your name from pre-screened credit offers at www.optoutprescreen.com or call 1-888-567-8688.
  • TIP 2 Add your telephone number(s) to the National Do Not Call Registry at www.donotcall.gov or call 1-888-382-1222.
  • TIP 3 Remove your name from individual Direct Mail Association Member mailing lists at www.dmachoice.org.
  • TIP 4 Place an alert on your credit file if you believe you may be a victim of identity theft. Call 1-800-525-6285 or visit www.fraudalerts.equifax.com.
  • TIP 5 Request your free credit report through www.annualcreditreport.com or call 1-877-322-8228.
  • TIP 6 In addition to contacting credit bureaus, request a credit report and place a fraud alert at www.innovis.com. Click on the Personal Services Tab to get a credit report and place an alert on your file.
  • TIP 7 To receive free email reminders to renew your fraud alerts and reorder your credit reports register your email address at www.IDProtectMe247.com.
  • TIP 8 Avoid carrying Social Security cards, birth certificates, passports and extra cards. If you carry a health care card and your Social Security number is used as your ID number, ask if it can be changed.
  • TIP 9 Protect your debit and credit cards by registering them at www.IDProtectMe247.com.
  • TIP 10 Avoid using unsecured mailboxes. Promptly remove mail from your mail box. Deposit outgoing mail containing personal information at your local post office. If you can’t pick up your mail, contact the U.S. Postal Service at 1-800-275-8777 or www.usps.gov to request a vacation hold.
  • TIP 11 Stay informed by visiting the Identity Theft News Center at www.IDProtectMe247.com.
  • TIP 12 Select intricate passwords - don’t use information that is easily available like your birth date, your mother’s maiden name, phone number, or the last four digits of your Social Security number. Don’t store passwords in your phone or carry them in your purse or wallet.
  • TIP 13 Shred your mail and important documents when disposing of bank statements, credit card bills, convenience checks, pre-approved credit offers, insurance statements and other documents that may contain personal information.


As a Barn Bonus Plus member, you have up to $10,000 in coverage in the event of an accidental death or dismemberment. This coverage provides immediate 24-hour protection and no medical exam is needed to prove insurability.

Claim Filing Is Easy

In the event of a claim, your beneficiary should contact your rental representative. Full coverage details and information regarding standard succession of beneficiaries are on your insurance certificate (See enclosed description of coverage).


Paying your monthly bills can be difficult if you become unexpectedly unemployed. As a Barn Bonus Plus member, you have added protection if you are fired, laid off, or out of work due to a strike or labor dispute. If you qualify for coverage, your rental account is reimbursed up to the limitations listed below. Payments are made directly to your rental store to be applied to your account.

This protection equals your monthly rental payment(s) or $250.00 per month per rental agreement (whichever is less). The maximum protection is $1,000 for all rental agreements combined or four (4) months (whichever comes first).

Who Is Covered

Coverage applies to the first and second person named on the rental agreement. Must be a signer on the account. To qualify for coverage, you must have been employed full time (at least 30 hours per week) for six (6) consecutive months at the time you became involuntarily unemployed. Reimbursements are retroactive to the first day of unemployment. Benefits end when you return to work; after four (4) months; or when the $1,000 maximum is met, whichever comes first.

To be eligible for reimbursement, you must be a member in good standing of Barn Bonus Plus for at least thirty (30) days prior to becoming unemployed.

Claim Filing Is Easy

Should you become unemployed, you must register with a state unemployment office within fifteen (15) days of the date you lose your job. After you have been unemployed for thirty (30) consecutive days, complete the claim form you receive from your rental store representative. Verification of the loss of employment from the former employer or union official plus proof of registration with the state unemployment office must be submitted with a claim. Return all the materials to your rental store representative within ninety (90) days from the date you become involuntary unemployed. File continuations for every thirty (30) day period of unemployment by submitting evidence that you are still unemployed and registered by the state.

Unemployment That Is Not Covered


  • Self employed (or otherwise exclusively receiving 1099 income) unless you have also declared bankruptcy.
  • Any rental agreement executed on or after the first day of unemployment.
  • Receiving termination or severance pay (however, coverage may begin after the severance period has expired).
  • Not a member in good standing in Barn Bonus Plus on the date of involuntary unemployment.
  • Not working full time for six (6) consecutive months prior to the date of involuntary unemployment.
  • Employed with any other employer during the period of involuntary unemployment, or not eligible for state unemployment benefits.


  • Retirement, resignation, refusal to relocate at employer’s request, voluntary sabbatical or forfeiture of employment.
  • Completion of seasonal or temporary work.
  • Layoff as a result of normal and routine shutdown as determined by your occupation or place of employment.
  • Death, disability, physical or mental injury, disease, sickness or condition (including pregnancy).
  • Intoxication, drug abuse.
  • Imprisonment, willful misconduct, dereliction of duty, criminal or unlawful behavior.
  • War or military call up.


Over 2,000 children are reported missing every day. Being prepared is the best defense against the unexpected. The Child ID kit is an easy-to-use self-contained ID kit for parents to complete and store in the privacy of their home. It includes a personal record card, a 10-finger fingerprint chart and non-toxic ink strip, instructions for collecting hair and DNA samples, a place to record dental information, PLUS valuable safety tips for parents. When a child is missing, the first few hours are crucial to recovery – Child ID Kit saves precious time and hastens the search! (Registration and activation required.)

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(731) 483-4930